UHD Fuzzy Cloth – Shaders and Merchant Resource
UHD Fuzzy Cloth – Shaders and Merchant Resource
UHD Fuzzy Cloth is a set of particular scripted shaders which mimic actual world “fuzz” with out heavy hitting displacement or fiber mesh.
LI Incandescent – Portrait Lighting for Iray
LI Incandescent – Portrait Lighting for Iray
Laticis Imagery presents:Incandescent – Portrait Lighting for Iray
Stephanie 8 HD Add-On
Stephanie 8 HD Add-On
What’s Included and Features
Stephanie 8 HD
Stephanie 8 HD Character Preset (.DUF)
Stephanie 8 HD Full Body Shape
Stephanie 8 HD Head Shape
UHD Leather – Shaders and Merchant Resource
UHD Leather – Shaders and Merchant Resource
UHD Leather is a set of excessive definition textures and shaders for Iray usable as a service provider useful resource on your personal merchandise! Inside you will see that 4k 280 tiled picture maps (diffuse coloration, diffuse element, specular, base regular and element regular) that are used to create 112 separate leather-based presets.
Faux Fur Patterns
Faux Fur Patterns
60 seamless fake fur sample JPEGs at 1600 X 1600 – 300 dpi. Highly detailed and filled with dimension. All patterns are seamless and totally tileable. Great for : textures, graphic design, scrap reserving,net design. Any undertaking private or skilled.