dForce The Striga Ensemble for Genesis 3 and 8 Female(s)


The Striga Ensemble introduces eight outfit parts – three of them dForce compliant beautifully draping pieces. The skirt, oversleeves and shoulderdrapes will bring a hint of luxury and classic beauty to your renders. They are easily customizable through a collection of morphs and movement control dials, so you are in full control of their behaviour at every time.

On top of the outfit, RiverSoft Art contributed a stunning set of twenty carefully crafted poses with their mirrored counterparts.

To make working with the Striga Ensemble as painless as possible, we have also provided hierarchical pose presets which will apply the pose of your choice to the Genesis figure AND presimulated draping morphs to the fitted outfit parts at once.

You have the choice if you want to use dForce or not!

To add a final finish, the eight texture sets by Arki and Shox-Design are saved as either indivdual material settings or can be fully loaded onto the fitted Striga Ensemble through Hierarchical Material Presets.

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