LI Incandescent – Portrait Lighting for Iray

LI Incandescent – Portrait Lighting for Iray

LI Incandescent – Portrait Lighting for Iray

Laticis Imagery presents:

Incandescent – Portrait Lighting for Iray

All in a single tidy location, all the pieces it’s essential arrange a easy but efficient portrait lighting scene and render for Iray in DAZ Studio.

3x Backdrop Props for your figures, 45x HDRImages to drive your surroundings lighting and 4x Emitting Props to offer you that further edge the place you see match.

Setup up with a fundamental workflow in thoughts, presets have been created to assist decrease your efforts in establishing a scene, these embody
surroundings rotation, emitter places and refined render settings.

All it’s essential do is tweak to your coronary heart’s content material.

Also, the scenes (excluding figures) created for the promos have additionally been supplied as a fast dial arrange and can be utilized examine floor adjustments to backdrops and emitters.

Happy Rendering 🙂

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