Multi Letter System

Multi Letter System

Multi Letter System

The Multi Letter System is a set of various letter, quantity and particular character props just like the @ signal, colon, umlauts and so on.

Included are two full units (alphabet letters, numbers from Zero-9 and particular characters) of font kinds, one commonplace font in higher and decrease case and a futuristic font type Lots of supplies to select from are additionally included, like a number of metallic trying supplies, glass supplies, wooden and stone supplies, buildings (these can be utilized with every other materials) and likewise Iray Light Emission Presets (these might be additionally used with any materials).

All props are UV-mapped, with the intention to simply apply every other Shader Preset(s) to the surfaces of the props for those who like. You can see some utilization examples for some standard Iray Shaders within the promos.

The props are dealt with like every other prop, means you’ll be able to scale on all axes or the entire prop, rotate and translate them as you need. We included some presets to do some fundamental rotations, depth scaling and basic scaling.

Whenever you want some letters, numbers or symbols in your renders, this set is useful. Maybe for an indication on a bar, resort constructing, commercial letters, indicators or different promotional work and so on.

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